Datasets (reservoirpy.datasets)#

Chaotic timeseries on continuous time#

Timeseries expressing a chaotic behaviour and defined on a continuous time axis, generated at will.

All timeseries defined by differential equations on a continuous space are by default approximated using 4-5th order Runge-Kuta method [1], either homemade (for Mackey-Glass timeseries) or from Scipy scipy.integrate.solve_ivp() tool.

mackey_glass(n_timesteps[, tau, a, b, n, ...])

Mackey-Glass timeseries [8] [9], computed from the Mackey-Glass delayed differential equation.

lorenz(n_timesteps[, rho, sigma, beta, x0, h])

Lorenz attractor timeseries as defined by Lorenz in 1963 [6] [7].

multiscroll(n_timesteps[, a, b, c, x0, h])

Double scroll attractor timeseries [10] [11], a particular case of multiscroll attractor timeseries.

doublescroll(n_timesteps[, r1, r2, r4, ir, ...])

Double scroll attractor timeseries [10] [11], a particular case of multiscroll attractor timeseries.

rabinovich_fabrikant(n_timesteps[, alpha, ...])

Rabinovitch-Fabrikant system [12] [13] timeseries.

lorenz96(n_timesteps[, warmup, N, F, dF, h, x0])

Lorenz96 attractor timeseries as defined by Lorenz in 1996 [17].

rossler(n_timesteps[, a, b, c, x0, h])

Rössler attractor timeseries [18].

kuramoto_sivashinsky(n_timesteps[, warmup, ...])

Kuramoto-Sivashinsky oscillators [19] [20] [21].

Chaotic timeseries on discrete time#

Timeseries expressing a chaotic behaviour and defined on a discrete time axis, generated at will.

Discrete timeseries are defined using recurrent time-delay relations.

logistic_map(n_timesteps[, r, x0])

Logistic map discrete timeseries [4] [5].

henon_map(n_timesteps[, a, b, x0])

Hénon map discrete timeseries [2] [3].

narma(n_timesteps[, order, a1, a2, b, c, ...])

Non-linear Autoregressive Moving Average (NARMA) timeseries, as first defined in [14], and as used in [15].

Classification/pattern recognition tasks#

Classified datasets of timeseries.

japanese_vowels([one_hot_encode, ...])

Load the Japanese vowels [16] dataset.


to_forecasting(timeseries[, forecast, axis, ...])

Split a timeseries for forecasting tasks.


Change the default random seed value used for dataset generation.


Return the current random state seed used for dataset generation.
